Installation, Setup & Usage

Last updated: December 19th, 2019


This CSM Logistics extension has been developed specifically for Magento 1.9.x.x and therefore should not be installed on a previous version of the platform.
If you require our extension for M2, then please contact us.

The installation instructions below are for self installation only (via SFTP, FTP etc), if you have successfully installed this extension via Magento Connect, then please jump straight into the configuration by clicking here.

Installation (SFTP, FTP...)


Step One

Before you begin, you must ensure Compilation is DISABLED within Magento.
To check this, login to your dashboard and navigate to System > Tools > Compilation
Ensure that the Compiler Status is Disabled. If your Compiler status is enabled, please disable by clicking the Disable button.

Disable Compiler Magento 1

Step Two

Connect to your website source folder with FTP/SFTP/SSH and upload all of the extension files and folders from the extension package to the root folder of your Magento installation:

Please use MERGE upload mode.

DO NOT replace the whole folders, but instead merge them. This way your FTP/SFTP client will only add new files. This mode is set by default in most FTP/SFTP clients software. If you install updated extensions from CSM, they may contain some files that are the same as those from the initial package — feel free to overwrite these, these are core files used by our extension.

Step Three

Go to System > Cache Management from within your Magento dashboard and click "Flush Cache Storage" button. After this action, the extension is installed.

Step Four

If you need to enable compilation once again, you should go to System > Tools > Compilation and click "Run Compilation Process".

Step Five

Finally, please log out of your Magento dashboard and then log in again, this is to refresh the Magento permissions.

Installation Complete!

Congratulations, installation is now complete. You may now move on to Configure your CSM Extension.


Go to System > Configuration from within your Magento dashboard.

Select "CSM Logistics Configuration" located under the CSM Configuration Tab tab in the left-hand side menu.

Your CSM Configuration

Your Credentials;
Here you enter your Base URL, CSM Shipper ID, Username and Password. If you do not have these details, then please contact us at CSM Logistics.

Shipping Defaults;
Here you enter your Your default shipping description.. You can enter anything you like here that will help you identify shipments sent via your website, for example MY ONLINE STORE.

Default Collection Address;
Complete the fields in this section with your default collection address.
The final field in this section is to enter your Two digit ISO Country Code.
A full ist of these codes can be found here .

Adding the Shipping Method

Go to System > Configuration from within your Magento dashboard.

Select "Shipping Methods" located under the Sales Tab tab in the left-hand side menu.

You will now see CSM Logistics Carrier listed in the Shipping Methods panel.

Shipping Method Tab

Click on the CSM Logistics Carrier tab to open the options panel. The following will guide you through the set up of this section;

This is a Yes/No option.
We recommend you continue to complete the other fields in this section BEFORE setting the Enabled field to "Yes".

This is the title your customers will see when selecting a shipping service during the checkout process. An example of this would be "SELECT YOUR SHIPPING METHOD".

Setup Your Shipping Charges;
Setting up your shipping charges couldnt be simpler. To begin, click Add Service Charge

A new section is now displayed. Simply select the service your require from the dropdown and assign a price to it in the Charge field.

Select Service Charge

Displayed Error Message;
This is the error message displayed if something should go wrong with this shipping method. The standard message is usually "This shipping method is currently unavailable. If you would like to ship using this shipping method, please contact us."

Ship to Applicable Countries;
Here we can choose either "All Countries" or "Specific Countries"

Ship to Specific Countries;
If you have selected "Specific Countries" from the Ship to Applicable Countries dropdown the country list becomes available. Scroll down and click on the country you wish to ship to.
Tip; If you wish to ship to more than one specific country from any one store, you can hold the CTRL (Windows) or CMD (Apple) key down on your keyboard and multi-select your shipping destinations. Once finished, release the CTRL/CMD key.

Show Method if Not Applicable;
This means that if any other rules or methods are being applied which makes this shipping method non-applicable, then DO NOT display it.

Sort Order;
Set a value to determine the order of display in the Shipping section of the Checkout process.

Using the Extension

We have tried to make this extension as simple and intuitive as possible. Please read through the following steps that will walk you through your first Order > Shipment >Delivery process

Process Orders into Shipments;

To process a Sales Order into a Shipment is now very simple.

Navigate to Sales > Orders

On the Orders screen, you can select a single order, or mulitple orders using the left hand check boxes.

Once you have all of the orders selected that you wish to convert to Shipments, simply click Create Shipments Button

Sales Orders to Shipments

Ship Shipments with CSM Logistics;

If you thought processing Orders into Shipments was easy, this will blow your socks off!

Navigate to Sales > Shipments

On the Shipments screen, you can select a single order, or mulitple shipments using the left hand check boxes.

Once you have all of the shipments selected that you wish to ship with CSM Logistics, simply click Ship with CSM Button

Ship Selected with CSM

Ship Multi Package Shipments with CSM Logistics;

You may find that you have some orders that will require additional actions, for example, shipping multiple packages for one order.

Our CSM Logisitcs extension harnesses Magentos Multi Package power, but allows you to ship those packages using our services.

Shipping multi packages with CSM Logistics will automatically create shipping labels and tracking once the "Ship Selected with CSM" button is hit too.

So lets show you how, its really simple....

We will assume that you have created a Shipment from your Sales Order screen as outlined previously in this document, but now you need to ship TWO parcels for ONE order.

Navigate to Sales > Shipments

On the Shipments screen, click on the required Shipment to access the shipment screen.

You will notice a section labelled "Shipping and Tracking Information"

Shipping and Tracking Information section

Click the Create Packages Button

Within the Create Packages window that has now opened on your screen, complete the Total Weight and Dimensions of the first package and click the Add Products button.

When you click the Add Products button, a section containing the items associated with your order become visible. Select the items you will be shipping in this package and click the Add Selected Product(s) to Package.

Add Items to a Package

Once you have created a package, you can now click on the Add Package button once again and repeat the above process for additional packages until you have accounted for all of the products listed in your order.

DO NOT FORGET to complete the Total Weight, Dimensions AND to click the Add Selected Product(s) to Package button once you have selected the order items for each package.

Add another package to a shipment

Once all items within your order have been added to a package, the OK button becomes clickable. Click ok for your packages to be created.


this does NOT create a shipping label or ship the order, to do this, you need to refer to the Ship Shipments with CSM section just above.

Automatic Tracking Details;

So, now you've converted your Orders to Shipments and you've clicked the magic "Ship Selected with CSM" button, whats next????


You see, now you have processed your orders and sent the details to CSM Logistics HQ, we will now create all of your shipping labels and return your tracking numbers automagically for you.

If you hop back into any of the Shipments you have just processed, you'll see that you now have tracking information. You also have a column in both your Order grid and your Shipment grid that displays each orders delivery status.

Shipping and Tracking Information

Quick View Tracking Updates Admin/Frontend;

Finally, our CSM Shipping Extension has a couple more things to make life easier for the adminstrators of your site, and also your customers

Yep, we automatically update the delivery status of every order so your admin staff can see from the Sales > Order or the Sales > Shipment grids exactly what stage in the shipping process each order is currently at.

Delivery Status Column

Not only does the extension automatically update the admin side, but it also updates the customers account with a new tracking window which displays the current status of their order along with a historical list of each stage of its journey

CSM Tracking Window


The following answer some of our most common questions regarding this extension.

Yes. When you navigate to System > Configuration > Shipping Methods, select your desired Store from the Current Configuration Scope: drop down in the top left corner. This will give you full control over Store specific extension settings or simply to only enable the extension for specific Store Views.
Yes. However, to offer full control over the extensions shipping prices, service levels etc, you must have a Store for the country you wish to ship to. This allows you to set service level shipping charges on a country by country basis. For details on how to set up Stores, please review Magentos documentation here.
Not Yet. Our next release will include the ability to create multiple packages within a shipment and then using the same "Ship with CSM" quick action button, fire off full, multi-package consignment details to CSM Logistics and we will return your tracking reference and your shipping labels.