Installation, Setup & Usage

Last updated: May, 2024


Before installing our app you must make sure you are on at least the "Shopify" plan and have the "3rd-party calculated shipping rates" enabled.
If you are currently on the "Advanced" plan, this is enabled by default. If you are on the "Shopify" plan, you can request that this feature is enabled on your store by contacting Shopify Support and making the request. Shopify charge a small monthly fee for this service to be enabled. Failure to carry out this step before installing the app will require you to uninstall and reinstall the app once the add-on is enabled.


Method one

Log in to YOUR SHOPIFY STORE and click Apps in the left sidebar.

From the proceeding pop-up screen, click All recommended apps found at the bottom of the pop-up.

All Recommended Apps

Once the next screen loads, please select Find more apps in the Shopify App Store found at the bottom of the pop-up.

Find More Apps

In the search area, simply type "CSM" and you'll discover the CSM Logistic App appears for you to select;

Discover the CSM Logistics App

Once the page loads, you will be able to click the Install button which will install our application directly into your store.

Install the App

Installation Complete!

Congratulations, installation is now complete. You may now return to your store and proceed to Configure your CSM Extension.

Method Two


Open a New tab in your browser by clicking the "+" icon next the last open tab

Open a new tab.

In the new tab, please click the following link or copy and paste the url into the new tab;

Once the page loads, you will be able to click the Install button which will install our application directly into your store.

Install the App

Installation Complete!

Congratulations, installation is now complete. You may now return to your store and proceed to Configure your CSM Extension.


Regardless of your installation method, your configuration will be the same. Configuration is as straight forward as the installation progress so you will be up and running in no time.

Before we begin configuring the application, there are a couple of things we need to make sure we have enabled;

  • As previously mentioned, Shopifys "3rd-party calculated shipping rates" Addon needs to be enabled before installation of our application. If you do not have this enabled, you will need to uninstall and reinstall the application after this has been added.
  • Ensure you have your Legal business name and Business address added to the Settings > Store details
  • Ensure the Shipping Address Phone Number is a required field. This can be found under the Customer information section within Settings > Checkout.

Locate the Apps link in the left hand sidebar.

In the proceeding window, you will now see our CSM Logistics App displayed for your selection. Select "CSM Logistics";

Open the app.

Adding Your Credentials;
Click on the Settings button Settings .

Enter your Shipper Number, Shipper Username and Shipper Password in the fields provided.

Adding your Services & Rates;
This section allows you to select which services you would like to offer your, the rate you would like to set and also set the destination.

Add a new service by selecting Add a service

You will see a new row appear which lists columns for Service Name, Rate and Country.
PLEASE NOTE, once you select your desired service, the countries that populate the Country column will be re-generated according to your selection. For example, if you were to select "Next Business Day Before 12:00 (UK Only)" then the country field will re-populate and only display United Kingdom. The same magic happens is you select an EU only service and so on.

Please continue adding the services, rates and countries as you require.

Configuration Complete!

Congratulations, configuration is now complete. You may now return to your store and proceed to the Using the Application section.

Using the Application

We have tried to make this application as simple and intuitive as possible allowing your orders to be automatically processed through to CSM Logistics and managed from within your Shopify Dashboard.

Orders placed that use a CSM Service as the Shipping Method;

Any order(s) that are placed on your store and have a "Paid" status are automagically sent directly to us at CSM Logistics. In response to that order being sent to us, we then return a consignment number AND a pdf label for you to process your shipment within your warehouse.

Navigate to Apps > CSM Logistics to view YOUR CSM SHIPMENTS dashboard

This screen will list ONLY those orders that have been processed and have a CSM Logistics shipping service included.

Shipment Dashboard

Column headings & meanings (for reference only)

  • Order Date - date order placed
  • Order No - Shopifys order ID
  • CSM Status - Our system response status
  • Shipping Label - Download your pdf label from here
  • Tracking Number - Your CSM tracking number which links directly to the CSM website for convenience
  • Shipping Status - current CSM shipping status (updated automatically)
  • Actions - view tracking history or request to retry label regeneration if "CSM Status" is NOT "01"

Printing Consignment Labels with CSM Logistics Shopify Application

Printing labels really couldn't be easier, so here's how you do it;

Printing a SINGLE Consignment Label

From the CSM SHIPMENTS DASHBOARD, locate the order you require your label for and click Download single shipping label

That's it. No really, that's it!

Need to download labels in BULK? Let's show you how, it's just as simple....

From the CSM SHIPMENTS DASHBOARD, locate the orders you require labels for and select each order using the checkboxes;

Multiple label downloads

You'll now see the Multiple Label Download Button button appear.

Click the button and this will then download all the selected consignment labels, all at one time, all into one file, ready for you to print ..... all at once!

Automatic Tracking Details;

So, now you're taking orders via your Shopify store and those orders shipped using a CSM service are visible in the dashboard, everything is green and right with the world. You've printed your labels, stuck them on your parcels and your reliable CSM Logistics driver has arrived on time and collected all of your orders. So what's next????


You see, now you have processed your orders, and they are now within the CSM Logistics network, if you hop back into Your CSM Shipments Dashboard, you'll see that you have Tracking History icon Tracking History Icon under the Actions column. Clicking this will give you the shipping status of the selected order, automatically updated by CSM Logistics HQ right into your Shopify store.

Returns Service

If you would like to simplify the returns process even more, then simply enable the Returns Service from within Apps > CSM Logistics > Settings.

How our returns system work;

Shopify will notify you if a return has been requested in the standard way, but instead of dealing with this via an individual order screen, we have built a returns dashboard to simplify the process.

Once enabled, you will notice the Returns Button button. This will take you to your PENDING RETURNS screen.

This screen lists any pending returns, displays the Order Number, Return Status, Returned Item(s), Reason for return, return quantity followed by your ability to Approve Return or Reject Return.

Here's where the magic happens;

When you Approve a return, the CSM Logisitics app takes that order data, sends it off to our system and creates a shipping label for you. You can see this label and entry by returning to the Returns screen.

Not only does this provide a label into your dashboard, but this also emails a copy of that label directly to your customer with an accompanying email with instructions.

You can then sit back and await the returns arrival (trackable via the app of course) whereby you can process this in the normal fashion.

Select View All Returns Button which will take you to your entire Shopify Returns List screen which also gives you the ability to generate and send a returns label via CSM Logistics to any previous return.

Commercial Invoices

Our commercial invoices features enables you to send your commercial invoice data automatically to our couriers directly from the point of successful order.

How our commercial invoice addition works;

Navigate to Apps > CSM Logistics > Settings to enable Commercial Invoicing and select either DAP or DDP as your duty setting. If you are unsure what to choose, then please here is a brief breakdown;

DDP stands for Delivered Duty Paid. It's an international trade term used in Incoterms, a set of rules established by the International Chamber of Commerce to simplify international shipping.

Here's what DDP means:

Seller's responsibility:
With DDP, the seller takes on most of the legwork and expense for getting the goods to you. This includes all transportation costs, export and import clearances, duties, and taxes. Basically, the seller pays everything until the goods are delivered at your doorstep (or a specifically agreed-upon location).

Benefits for buyer:
For you, the buyer, this means a simpler process and more predictability. You know exactly what you're paying upfront and don't have to worry about surprise import fees or dealing with customs yourself.

DAP stands for Delivered At Place. Just like DDP, it's an Incoterm used in international trade.

Here's how DAP works:

Seller's responsibility:
The seller takes care of everything up to delivering the goods to a designated location in your country. This includes transportation costs, export clearance, and getting the goods to the terminal or port.

Buyer's responsibility:
Here's where DAP differs from DDP. Once the goods arrive at the destination terminal/port, you, the buyer, are responsible for:

  • Unloading the goods
  • Import clearance procedures (duties, taxes, etc.)
  • Any additional transportation within your country
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Delivered At Place (DAP)
Seller's responsibility Delivers to your doorstep, handles all costs and clearances Delivers to designated terminal/port, handles export and transportation costs
Buyer's responsibility None Unloading, import clearance, internal transportation

Video Series | Tutorials & Demos

Don't fancy reading the how-tos? Nah, we prefer video sometimes too, so we've put together a tutorial/demo video series for you here in the office which runs through everything for you.

1 - Install & Connect the Application

Install & Connect the Application

2 - Adding Shipping Rates & Zones

Adding Shipping Rates & Zones

3 - Checkout Flow & Order Dashboard

Checkout Flow & Order Dashboard

3 - Downloading & Printing Labels

Downloading & Printing Labels

CSM Statuses

Although it is extremely rare that you will ever see anything but the "Successful - 01" status in your Shipments Dashboard, these things happen. There are a plethora of reasons that an issue may occur but our statuses hope to simplify the issue encountered.

Here are the CSM Statuses and there meanings

  • 01 – Success
  • 02 – Data Format Incorrect – Required field missing
  • 03 – Data Format Incorrect – Invalid value
  • 04 – Incomplete/Bad Parcel Data in one or more parcels
  • 05 – Unable to calculate prices
  • 06 – Shipping Error
  • 50 – Internal Error
  • 99 – Unhandled Exception Error

If for any reason this does not help you identify the issue, then please reach out to us so we can investigate further.


The following answer some of our most common questions regarding this extension.

There are two answers here.

  • You can simply click on the help icon within the app Online Support.
    This is located in the bottom right hand corner. Just fill in the details on the form and this is sent directly to our tech team.
  • You can give us a call. Our friendly team will be happy to take your details to help resolve any issues you may discover.

Yes. Our application allows you to set a rate against a service to allowed country.

For example, if the service is for UK only, then the country available for selection will be "United Kingdom", however, if a service selected is available for both UK and EU, then United Kingdom along with all other EU countries are available for selection.

To granulate this further, you could select the same service but select individual countries to set appropriate rates ie;

Service = 1, Country = Germany, Rate = £10.00
Service = 1, Country = France, Rate = £15.00.

Not Yet...but The reason for this is that Shopify doesn't yet give any sort of function that allows us to set these types of values at an order level. If you require more labels to be created for a consignment, then please contact us, we will help you with this.

In future releases we hope to offer the ability to add labels to a consignment from within the Shopify dashboard.

DDP stands for Delivered Duty Paid. It's an international trade term used in Incoterms, a set of rules established by the International Chamber of Commerce to simplify international shipping.

Here's what DDP means:

Seller's responsibility:
With DDP, the seller takes on most of the legwork and expense for getting the goods to you. This includes all transportation costs, export and import clearances, duties, and taxes. Basically, the seller pays everything until the goods are delivered at your doorstep (or a specifically agreed-upon location).

Benefits for buyer:
For you, the buyer, this means a simpler process and more predictability. You know exactly what you're paying upfront and don't have to worry about surprise import fees or dealing with customs yourself.

DAP stands for Delivered At Place. Just like DDP, it's an Incoterm used in international trade.

Here's how DAP works:

Seller's responsibility:
The seller takes care of everything up to delivering the goods to a designated location in your country. This includes transportation costs, export clearance, and getting the goods to the terminal or port.

Buyer's responsibility:
Here's where DAP differs from DDP. Once the goods arrive at the destination terminal/port, you, the buyer, are responsible for:

  • Unloading the goods
  • Import clearance procedures (duties, taxes, etc.)
  • Any additional transportation within your country